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Dry Polishing Pad (Premium)
Dry Polishing Pad (Premium) Dry Polishing Pad (Premium) Dry Polishing Pad (Premium) Dry Polishing Pad (Premium)
Product name : Dry Polishing Pad (Premium)
Product No. : DF00017
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 Diamond Dry Polishing pads-Premium Quality

Grit:50#,100#,200#,400#,800#,1500#,3000#,White buff/Black buff

These extremely flexible pads feature a high diamond concentration that provide the user with superior results at a very competitive price.
Flexibility is gained after continual use making it feasible to polish the most complex edges.
Excellent system to have at the job site.

For Dry use only.
Great for Wet polishing of engineered stone, quartz surfaces marble or granite
Hook and loop backer pad sold separately
Premium cooling technology on both versions (Dry & Wet).

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