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Products > Diamond Abrasive for Marble > Frankfurt Abrasive for Marble Slabs > Frankfurt Magnesite Abrasive for Marble
Product name : Frankfurt Magnesite Abrasive for Marble
Product No. : DF0015
Details: |
Frankfurt Magnesite Abrasive for Marble
1. Size: 60/80*90*40mm
2. Grits of full sequence Frankfurt abrasive for polishing Marble :
24# 36# 46# 60# 80# 120# 220# 280# 320#
400# 600# 800# 1200# 1500#
5-Extra / Cleaner / LUX
3. For automatic polishing lines, automatic bridge polishing machine and Radial arm manual polishing machine .
Full sequence Frankfurt abrasive for polishing Marble
Magnesite Frankfurt for rough polishing from grit 36# 46# 60# 80# 120# 220# 320#.
Metal Frankfurt for calibrating, grit 16# 24# 36# 50# 60# 70# 80# 100# 120# 150# 200# 230#.
Synthetic Frankurt for fine polishing from grit 400# 600# 800# 1000# 1200# 1500#.
5Extra Frankfurt for buffing.
Sponge Frankfurt is used after 5Extra as cleaner, and it can highlight the surface.
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