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Product name : Diamond Frankfurt Brushes
Product No. : DF0023
Details: |
Frankfurt diamond brush is made of high grades of diamonds and high concentration of silicon carbide and nylon to make
flexible brushing on marble surface to make leather surface. It is available in different grain sizes and possible to obtain
leather surface to mirror polished surface.
Grit: 24#, 36#, 46#, 60#, 80#, 120#, 180#, 240#, 320#, 400#, 500#, 600, 800#, 1000#, 1200#, 1500#
Stone brushes intended for marble surface brushing;
For Automatic Polishing Lines, Automatic Bridge Polishing Machine and Radial Arm Manual Polishing Machine;
Fast Grinding and stock removal on marble and travertine surface. High production efficiency and low production cost;
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